Let Solcast take the pain out of PV generation forecasting at your solar farm asset

13 November 2019

Having just returned from the PV Operations USA 2019 event in San Diego, I wanted to take a bit of time to reflect on the many challenges that asset managers, independent engineers and solar O&M businesses are facing as the solar industry matures across the United States.

Solar farm owners and operators are busy people!


The above is a slide from my presentation that I compiled using the major event 'themes' in the program. A review of these can show you how much there is for owners and operators of solar farms to think about - and it is by no means inclusive. Compliance items stack up by the thousands very quickly. Utilities providing their network connections can impose new requirements without warning. Manufacturers of key components can go bankrupt and leave you without an important spare part!

Solcast is deploying data and tools to make it easy

Amidst these many challenges, it was genuinely encouraging to know that the products we've developed at Solcast could meaningfully make a difference for the hard working people in this industry.

Simply put, we've taken a handful of items on their to-do lists (ones that used to take weeks or months to get done) and condensed them down to a matter of minutes of effort! And that means far fewer headaches for the folks building the solar powered future (aka the many high quality folks who attended and contributed to this event!).

In my presentation at the event (the second to last talk of the day, a tough slot!), I covered off two examples (of many!) where the Solcast API Toolkit could deliver the data they required for both due diligence and for PV power forecasting

PS - if you want to see more of the presentation, checkout this playlist on YouTube

Solcast API Toolkit for Due Diligence and PV Power Forecasting

The first of these was demonstrating how to download Solcast historical Time Series data for project due diligence. This was followed by a demonstration of setting up PV generation forecasts within a matter of minutes.

You can watch it here:

Making it easy, so you can get back to core business

As I have previously written, Solcast is aiming to help owners and operators of solar farms stay focussed on their core business activities, by making such distractions as setting-up PV generation forecasts for their site or downloading the historical solar data needed for project planning and financing much easier than they used to be.

Like what you see above? You can access our data too

The best part about these data is that they are only a few clicks away from those who need to use them. New users simply need to register with the API Toolkit, where they'll be given free requests to support validation and be able to setup their own forecasting demonstrations sites. There's no hidden subscriptions. No surprise fees. No credit card required. If that sounds like a good fit for you, be sure to give it a try.

Thanks for reading, and we hope to see you at future events like this one!

Dr. Nick Engerer

Dr. Nick Engerer

Solcast Co-founder • Author

Nick is an expert in the field of solar radiation and distributed solar PV modelling, and has co-founded Solcast out of a sincere desire to enable others to build the solar-powered future.

Read more about Dr. Engerer's scientific papers

Solar Power Forecasting