Historical Time Series

Historical and TMY

Global irradiance and weather data records designed and built for solar and cleantech

The world's most accurate historical irradiance and weather data. 20+ weather parameters tailored to solar energy applications, from 2007 to 7 days ago. Available in JSON via synchronous API, or instant CSV web download.

This is just a placeholder
This is just a placeholder
This is just a placeholder
GHI (Long-term average annual total, kWh/m2/yr)

Source: Solcast API, Solar Assets from Global Solar Power Tracker, Global Energy Monitor, Bankability Site Data from DNV
*Private site locations are approximated to another location in the same region and climate zone


Tracking the world's clouds in the finest detail

Designed for Solar, from the ground up. Never rely on generic weather model data again. Solcast's real time and forecast data tracks and forecasts real clouds at a resolution of 1-2km and 5 minutes. Our irradiance data and PV power data is updated every 5 to 15 minutes, downscaled to 90 metre resolution. Aerosol and albedo effects are explicitly treated.

Time Series Data


Full suite of high resolution weather data

Other weather data from leading reanalysis datasets completes the full suite of 20+ parameters available at 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minute resolutions. Coverage from 2007 to 7 days ago.


We provide upfront and clear accuracy and validation information

Be confident that our data is fit for purpose.

Explore up to date, independent validation statistics at locations similar to your area of interest.

Data Accuracy
Data Availability

Data Access

Get data via synchronous API or instant CSV download

Synchronous API returns JSON data in 1-5 seconds per request, and requests can be submitted in parrallel up to your account rate limit.

Web downloads for up to 20 locations at at time. Choose from multiple file types including CSV, ready to use in your favourite simulation software.

Historical Time Series Data Specifications

Geographic coverage

Global (note: far ocean and polar regions are coarser resolution)

Temporal coverage

January 2007 to 7 days ago (for past 7 days to present time and forecasts, use our Live and Forecast data)

Temporal resolution

5, 10, 15, 30 & 60 minutes (period-mean values)

Spatial resolution

90 meters (irradiance, PV power, snow soiling, cloud parameters, and other parameters across all regions)

Data parameters

The following data parameters are available.

  • Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) (W/m2)^
  • Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) (W/m2)^
  • Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance (DHI) (W/m2)^
  • Global Tilted Irradiance (GTI) (W/m2)^
  • Advanced PV Power Output (MW)^
  • Rooftop PV Power Output (kW)^
  • Cloud Opacity (%)
  • Air Temperature (°C)
  • Solar Zenith Angle (°)
  • Solar Azimuth Angle (°)
  • Albedo (%)
  • Wind Gust (m/s)
  • Wind Speed (100m) (m/s)
  • Wind Direction (10m) (°)
  • Wind Direction (100m) (°)
  • Relative Humidity (%)
  • Precipitation Rate (mm/h)
  • Surface Pressure (hPa)
  • Precipitable Water (kg/m2)
  • Dewpoint Temperature (°C)
  • Snow Depth Water Equivalent (cm)
  • Snow Depth (cm)
  • Snowfall Rate (cm/h)
  • Snow Soiling Loss - Rooftop (%)
  • Snow Soiling Loss - Ground Mounted (%)
  • Thunderstorm Potential - CAPE (j/kg)

^ Clear-sky scenarios also available for these parameters

Data access

API or Web download

Download wait time

API: synchronous requests. Web download: seconds.

File formats


Data formats

Solcast standard, PVsyst (60 minute only)

Time zone

UTC, longitudinal, or user-specified fixed offset.

Commonly Asked Questions about Historical Irradiance Data

Historical solar irradiance data is the recorded measurements of solar energy received per unit area over a period of time. Solcast’s historical data covers from 2007 to 7 days ago. Historical irradiance data will include several irradiance parameters, including Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI), Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI), Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance (DHI), and Global Tilted Irradiance (GTI). It is essential for analyzing long-term solar energy trends and planning future solar projects’ feasibility and performance.

Solcast's historical time series data is generated through a combination of satellite observations and weather models. These inputs are then calibrated using advanced modeling algorithms to create high-resolution solar data that presents accuracy over time. Learn more about Solcast’s irradiance methodology here. 

Average daily solar irradiance is the mean value of solar radiation received per unit area each day, measured in kWh/m²/day. This is typically averaged over a longer period such as a month or year. This metric is useful for daily performance analysis, energy production estimates, and optimising solar panel settings.

Historical time series is crucial for forecasting because it provides a baseline of past patterns and trends, including seasonal variations, deviations, and anomalies. By using Solcast's bankable historical data, you can develop predictive models that accurately estimate solar irradiance which is beneficial for grid management, energy trading, and asset operational planning.