Terms of Use

Solcast Data API

Last updated October 21, 2021

By using the Solcast API and/or the Solcast API Toolkit and/or data it provides (the Service) provided by Solar and Storage Modelling Pty Ltd or its related entities (Solcast), you agree to the following Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these terms, you may not use the Service. If you violate these terms, Solcast may suspend or terminate your access to the Service, and may take legal action.


By using the Service, you agree:

  1. To use the Service (which includes the data derived from the Service) only for your personal or internal business or research use
  2. To not resell or distribute the Service (or data) to any third parties (directly or via inclusion or input into other products or services) without our written permission
  3. To not share or publish any data or results that may be reasonably expected to create harm to our reputation, without our written permission
  4. To not attempt to reproduce, reverse engineer or create derivative works
  5. To not provide false or misleading information
  6. To not infringe our intellectual property rights in the Service and data, which remain the property of Solcast
  7. That Solcast is not liable for any losses arising from or in connection with your use of the Service and data
  8. That you acknowledge the inherent uncertainty in weather and forecasting information, and that you agree to not hold Solcast liable for data errors or incorrect forecasts


If you access data under a Public Researcher account type, including but not limited to data you obtain using the free requests we offer public researcher accounts, in addition to the above general terms of use you also agree:

  1. To only use our data for non-commercial research or student use, and only in connection with a public research institution
  2. To not share our data with any third parties without our explicit written permission
  3. To not publish or submit for publication any study that could be reasonably be expected to harm our reputation
  4. To provide a link from your University research group and/or project web page back to Solcast using the anchor text “solar irradiance data” (if you have such a web page)
  5. To send Solcast pre-prints of any presentations, theses, publications, reports or other materials at least one week prior to publication or other public or private dissemination
  6. To correctly cite the use of our data in any presentations, theses, publications, reports or other materials using the following information “Solcast, 2019. Global solar irradiance data and PV system power output data. URL https://solcast.com/


If you access data under a Hobbyist account type, including but not limited to enhanced free plan data access for a single home residential rooftop PV site, in addition to the above general terms of use, you also agree:

  1. To only use our data for non-commercial home use, and you don’t share our data with any third parties without our explicit written permission
  2. To only create rooftop sites for your home residence, which we will verify is located in a residential area, and for which we may ask you for proof of residence
  3. To not make online comments, or publish any material, or take any other actions, that could be reasonably be expected to harm our reputation
  4. To provide a link from your personal web page back to Solcast using the anchor text “solar irradiance data” (if you have such a web page)


By using the Service and/or data, you agree:

  1. To not take any actions intended to tamper with or disturb the proper functioning of the API or Toolkit, or attempt to access our back-end or any of its security or technological features
  2. To not use the Service in contravention of any relevant laws or statutes
  3. To not create more than one account, ask others to create accounts on your behalf, or use software designed to generate accounts
  4. To not share your password or API key with any other persons


At its discretion, Solcast may terminate or suspend your access to the Service. Solcast may not be obliged to compensate you for this.


You agree that Solcast may contact you from time to time in relation to your usage of the Service or other matters, and that you will respond promptly to Solcast when this occurs.

If you have any questions regarding the Service or these Terms of Use you may contact us at sales@solcast.com