Free to test and evaluate

Make up to 10 free Live and Forecast data requests at your locations

Make unlimited Live and Forecast data requests at Solcast's unmetered locations

Ask our team for Historical forecasts for your locations, to evaluate against your measurements

Reach out to our team for an extended free trial with unlimited Live and Forecast data requests



Every 6 hours

Time Coverage

-7 days to +7 days

Time Granularity

30, 60 minutes

Irradiance, weather and rooftop power data

Clear-sky and probabilistic scenarios

Option to add Advanced PV model

Option to add SLAs & 24/7 support



Every 15 minutes

Time Coverage

-7 days to +14 days

Time Granularity

15, 20, 30, and 60 minutes

Irradiance, weather and rooftop power data

Clear-sky and probabilistic scenarios

Option to add Advanced PV model

Option to add SLAs & 24/7 support



Every 5 minutes

Time Coverage

-7 days to +14 days

Time Granularity

5, 10, 15, 20, 30, and 60 minutes

Irradiance, weather and rooftop power data

Clear-sky and probabilistic scenarios

Option to add Advanced PV model

Option to add SLAs & 24/7 support

What our customers say

Solcast's "Estimated Actuals" closes the gap for our owned and third-party solar portfolios.

Cypress Creek Renewables

As far as we know, there's no provider that can provide a more accurate forecast.

Samuel Muhr


Adding Solcast's weather data in our hydrogen storage systems improved our control strategy that responds well to weather patterns.

Meinhard Ploner

GKN Hydrogen

Forecasts are crucial in optimizing renewable power plants with predictive controls. Solcast’s forecasts, and the resulting decisions we make with them, are front and center for our operators.

Stephen Schneider


On top of our sophisticated solar modelling, Solcast's accurate data has elevated what we already have and allowed us to expand to new geographies.

Rachel Liddell

Aurora Solar

Accurate real-time and forecasted weather data is crucial for assessing plant performance and maximizing the value of clean energy assets.

Taylor Grafton

Also Energy

Solcast's "Estimated Actuals" closes the gap for our owned and third-party solar portfolios.

Cypress Creek Renewables

As far as we know, there's no provider that can provide a more accurate forecast.

Samuel Muhr


Adding Solcast's weather data in our hydrogen storage systems improved our control strategy that responds well to weather patterns.

Meinhard Ploner

GKN Hydrogen

Forecasts are crucial in optimizing renewable power plants with predictive controls. Solcast’s forecasts, and the resulting decisions we make with them, are front and center for our operators.

Stephen Schneider
